Mon. to Fri. 3:30pm-7:30pm, Sat. Closed, Sun. Closed
Librarian: Carole Etokana
(Johnson, 2006)
Kugluktuk, formerly known as Coppermine, is situated along the banks of the Coppermine River and on the shores of the Coronation Gulf. Located north, and slightly west of Yellowknife, Kugluktuk is the most westerly community in Nunavut. In summer, canoeists and rafters take the popular route up the Coppermine River to the scenic “Bloody Falls Territorial Historic Park.” Other stimulating outdoor activities include hiking, fishing, hunting, kayaking and photography. Because the tundra is close to the tree line, a variety of wildlife can be viewed in the area, including grizzly bears, wolverines and moose, as well as tundra wildlife, such as muskoxen, caribou, foxes and wolves. The people of Kugluktuk rely heavily on their traditional economy of hunting and fishing to feed and clothe their families for cultural and nutritional well-being. (~Government of Nunavut)
Kugluktuk Community Library P.O. Box 190, Kugluktuk, NU, X0E 0E0 Ph: 867-982-4406 Fax: 867-982-3404 e-mail: kugluktuk@nupl.ca